All the information about your return flight is now available in our app!
At aparca&go, we continue to innovating to offer you an increasingly agile and efficient service. Now, as a Premium Service user, you can check all the information about your return flight in our App, easily and quickly.
Two hours after leaving your car in our car park, you will have the details of your return flight in the App. Using the flight number you provided us when booking your Premium Service, we can consult and inform you of the arrival time, terminal and boarding gate of your return.
Forget about searching on other platforms or checking the airport information panels. You will have the information about your return flight accessible from your mobile, at any time during your trip.
What are the main benefits of this new feature?
- Quick and easy consultation of the information about your return flight.
- Access to the arrival time, terminal and even the boarding gate.
- Viewing the data in advance, without having to wait to get to the airport.
- Availability of complete information in a single space.
- Optimized management of your reservation.
- Save time and, above all, gain peace of mind.
Remember that, to access this feature, it is essential to have the latest version of our App downloaded from Google Play or the App Store
Enjoy your trip with aparca&go and let us take care of the rest!